For eye emergencies: Urgent care? Or Eye Doctor?

If you are experiencing any sort of eye irritation, pain, or redness and then go to your PCP or urgent care and they do not look at your eyes with a slit lamp biomicroscope and instead just call it "pink eye" and Rx antibiotic eyedrops with no follow-up, I'd recommend a second opinion especially if no improvement within a few days. Without this instrument, there is actually no way to tell if your eye pain/redness is due to an acute angle closure glaucoma attack (rare, but can cause permanent vision loss rapidly) versus a corneal ulcer (which also can cause vision loss and is fairly common in contact lens wearers especially if the contacts are being slept in/overworn) versus iritis (which sometimes may be the first sign of more serious systemic disease) versus a tiny piece of maybe wood or metal lodged in the cornea. Or something else. Without looking with this instrument, there's really no way to know and it’s just a guess. In our clinic, we are almost always able to see ocular emergencies same-day.